<DIV>Unto the Populace of Ponte Alto,</DIV> <DIV>I would like to take a moment of your time and congratulate all of the Ponte Alto fighters both rapier and armoured who ventured out into the heat and fought at Kingdom Crusades.</DIV> <DIV>His Excellency Baron Marcellus informed me that Atlantia swept the rapier field.</DIV> <DIV>I would also like to send out a special thank you and note of how proud I am of the strength courage and more importantly the skill that the Ponte Alto Warband brought to Crusades.</DIV> <DIV>We fielded roughly twenty of the 75 Atlantian fighters upon the field. We also brought the largest most cohesive fighting unit there as well. Ponte Alto followed orders and performed admirably. </DIV> <DIV>I would also like to extend special thanks to Sir Thomas of Calais who took up the mantle of captain of the warband while I worked the Northern Army.</DIV> <DIV>And also a special thanks to Sir Guy le Strange for being my XO for the Northern Army
and stepping in when I was injured.</DIV> <DIV>Many thanks and Vivats for the warriors of Ponte Alto!</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV> </DIV><BR><BR><DIV>
<DIV>Lord Connor Sinclair de Winterfell </DIV>
<DIV>http://home.armourarchive.org/members/winter/sca.html </DIV>
<DIV>http://squires.atlantia.sca.org/ </DIV><p>
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