<SPAN class=postbody>Join the following Atlantian Hospitallers as we march as a part of the Great Atlantian Host<br>
Sir Thomas <br>
Sir Guy <br>
Syr Justus <br>
Master Olivier <br>
Baron Gaston<br>
Baron Elezaar Hakanay<br>
Baron Robert of Calais <br>
Lady Melisent <br>
Lord James De Bibleswrth<br>
Lord Conner Sinclair <br>
Lord Jurgen <br>
Lord Matthew Dredge <br>
Edwin of Ponte Alto<br>
This is gonna be so super cool.<br>
See you in the Holy Land!!!!<br>
Baron Guy, Knight of Atlantia<br>
Master of the Pelican<br>
<div style="CLEAR: both">"Knighthood Is Only The Beginning."</div>
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