I was wondering what sorts of connections the fighters (or others) feel with the Kingdom? I have always felt connected to the Kingdom I was living in and would never consider fighting for any other Kingdom while I lived in the one I was in, with the exceptions of perhaps fighting on the side m squires were on. another example would be, I would never consider missing a battle for a war point or for my King, unless my wife for family needed something first.<br>
However, after talking to others I get the feeling that others might not feel as I do. Or might have been eaised differently in the SCA.<br>
So what are your thoughts about this? What connections do you feel to the Kingdom or the people you are fighitng beside?<br>
Just curious, I am trying to see what motiviates people to take the field.<br>
Sir Guy<br>
<div style="CLEAR: both">"Knighthood Is Only The Beginning."</div>
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