<html>Hi Ynes,<br>Has the stock pot found a home? If not, I'd be interested - I'm planning on experimenting with natural dyes, and it sounds like it would be a good dye pot. I know it's short notice, but my husband Kevin is planning on attending fight practice. He could pick it up this afternoon, or I could stop by your place sometime this week. Let me know!<br><br>Thanks!<br>--Giuliana<br>
-----Original Message-----<br>
From: Ynes Garcia [mailto:ynes@sskip.net]<br>
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2006 11:35 PM<br>
To: ponte-alto@atlantia.sca.org<br>
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Large stock pot needs a home<br>
I have a 16 qt heavy-bottomed stock pot that I haven't used in longer <br>
than I can remember. There is a lid, but the lid is missing its handle <br>
(I might have the handle in a box of miscellaneous hardware stuff, but <br>
I'm not sure).<br>
If you can give this pot a new home, please let me know. I can bring it <br>
by fight practice on Sunday or arrange a time for you to pick it up at <br>
my house (I live a few blocks away from Shrevewood Elementary).<br>
- Ynes<br>
-- <br>
Lady Ynes Garcia<br>
mka Lisa Fogelman<br>
Ponte-Alto mailing list<br>