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<body>The monthly Manassas gathering of the Stierbach Glass guild is scheduled for Thursday, June 22nd at the home of Baroness Briana. Directions may be found at <A href="http://www.stierbach.org/sites/darby.htm" >http://www.stierbach.org/sites/darby.htm</A><BR>
Whether you're an experienced lampworker, or an absolute newbie to this activity, come out to play with fire! Materials are provided; however, it is requested that you bring with you a can of MAAP gas, which is readily available from Home Depot or Lowe's <BR>
We will start at 7 p.m. and go until about 10 p.m. <BR>
Please RSVP so that I will have an idea how many torches to set up. <BR>
Briana<BR ><BR ><BR ><BR>
<DIV ></DIV><BR ><br /><hr />Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/AVE/go/onm00200471ave/direct/01/' target='_new'>MSN Messenger</a></body>