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<body>Have a song or story that you've recently learned, or an old one to share? <BR>
There will be a Bardic Circle at the home of Baron Colum and Baroness Briana in Manassas this Friday, June 23rd. In addition, we will be holding our regular Baronial at Home in conjunction with the Bardic Circle. <BR>
At Assessment this past weekend, His Majesty Michael discussed the fact that one of the most vital parts of the SCA is the camaraderie that we experience around the campfire after a day of fighting and other event activities. Bardic Circles are a key element of that camaraderie - though you don't have to be a performer to participate. Good listeners are also welcome. <BR>
So, come. Bring your songs, poems and stories for an enjoyable evening. <BR>
We will begin around 7 p.m. and go until.... Directions may be found at <A href="http://www.stierbach.org/sites/darby.htm" >http://www.stierbach.org/sites/darby.htm</A><BR>
In Service,<BR>
Baroness Briana<BR ><BR ><BR ><BR>
<DIV ></DIV><BR ><br /><hr />Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/AVE/go/onm00200471ave/direct/01/' target='_new'>MSN Messenger</a></body>