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<body><P >A <FONT class="" >Bardic</FONT> Circle will be held at the home of Baron Colum and Baroness Briana this Friday at 7 p.m.</P>
<P > </P>
<P >Please come and share your songs, poems, and stories - or just come to listen to others. Now is a good time to learn new material for Sapphire Joust, <FONT class="" >Pennsic</FONT>, and all of the other camping events on the near horizon.</P>
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<P >Directions may be found at <A href="http://www.stierbach.org/sites/darby.htm" >http://www.stierbach.org/sites/darby.htm</A>. Please call with any questions.</P>
<P > </P>
<P >Pet alert: As usual, two friendly and exuberant Labs will greet you upon arrival. </P>
<P > </P>
<P >Briana</P><br /><hr />Join the next generation of Hotmail and you could win a trip to Africa <a href='http://www.imagine-msn.com/minisites/sweepstakes/mail/register.aspx' target='_new'>Upgrade today</a></body>