<html><div style='background-color:'><P>Have a burning desire to play with hot glass? Want a string of beads to go with those Viking Brooches you got for Twelfth Night?</P>
<P>The Stierbach Glass Guild will meet this Thursday at the home of Baroness Briana starting around 7 p.m. Directions: <A href="http://www.stierbach.org/sites/darby.htm">http://www.stierbach.org/sites/darby.htm</A></P>
<P>If you plan to attend, please let me know so I will know how many torches to set up. </P>
<P>We now have glass, mandrels, torches and other supplies courtesy of the Barony. As always, if possible, please bring your own fuel - a one pound canister of MAPP gas available at Home Depot and Lowes. </P>
<P>Pet Alert: The ever-vigilent Baronial Hounds will greet you enthusiastically. </P>
<P>Baroness Briana<BR><BR><BR></P>