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<DIV>Inter-Baronial Fighter Practice and Last Chance for
Authorizations<BR><BR>Unto the Good Gentles of the Central and Northern Regions
of Atlantia,<BR><BR>This month the IBFP will be moved to Saturday, 30 July
2005. The<BR>purpose for this move is to provide the Northern and Central
Regions one<BR>last opportunity to authorize before Pennsic. This effort
has been<BR>coordinated with and supported by the Deputy Earl Marshal for
Armored<BR>Combat and the Kingdom MoL. I have made special arrangements
to<BR>overnight the completed authorization forms to the KMol who will in
turn<BR>send them to me for distribution at Pennsic. More details on this
will<BR>be provided on the 30th.<BR><BR><BR>If you need an authorization for
Pennsic (primarily Weapon and Shield<BR>and/or Spear/Pole Arm), this will be
your ABSOLUTE LAST CHANCE. Please<BR>co-ordinate with people in your local
group/area and send me an idea for<BR>how many fighters will need
authorizations. Please also try and bring a<BR>warranted marshal and
authorized fighter to help conduct as many<BR>authorizations as possible.
We MUST be compliance with the "out of<BR>area" policy so having as many
different marshals and tester fighters<BR>will ensure the process is fair and
legitimate. It will also help<BR>spread the work load for those
helping YOU get authorized.<BR><BR>Please bring your blue card (if you are a
paid member), fighter<BR>authorization card (for the testers and marshals) and
anything you might<BR>need to be comfortable for the day; chair, drinks, lunch,
etc. <BR><BR>I plan on starting the day about 10:30 to 11:00 am and we
will go as<BR>long as we need to. However, please be courteous to everyone
in<BR>arriving as soon as you can. I can not ask my gracious MOLs
and<BR>Marshals to stay all day and night as they are donating their
Saturday<BR>as well.<BR><BR>Please reply back to me as soon as possible
with:<BR><BR>If you are responding as a candidate needing authorization
please<BR>provide:<BR>Name: SCA or Mundane if you are still working on a
SCAdian name <BR>Your Local Group (Shire, Canton, Barony) <BR>Weapons Form you
wish to authorize in.<BR><BR>If you are a warranted Marshal/tester and would
like to assist <BR>(please, please, please) I will need: <BR>Name<BR>Local
Group<BR>Weapons Forms you are authorized in<BR><BR>MIT's are welcome, but I am
unsure at this time if this endeavor will <BR>count as an "event" for your
paperwork. I will seek clarification on <BR>this and get back to
individual as needed. (Master Roland and or Sir<BR>Arrad, could you answer
this from me?)<BR><BR>Directions to 22 Washington and Lee Blvd, Stafford,
VA:<BR>Take you best route to Exit 140 on I-95. This is COURTHOUSE
RD. Go<BR>WEST for 4 miles and you will hit a T intersection. Turn LEFT
onto<BR>VA-648/SHELTON SHOP RD and go 0.3 miles. There will be a right
hand<BR>turn lane. Turn RIGHT onto WALT WHITMAN BLVD and go to the end of
the<BR>road at another T intersection. Turn RIGHT onto MONTGOMERY DR and
take<BR>and immediate left onto ST ALBANS BLVD. Turn RIGHT onto WASHINGTON
AND<BR>LEE BLVD. My house is on the left hand side, number 22. Look
for my<BR>shield to be up against the mail box.<BR><BR><STRONG>Please cross post
as desired</STRONG>.<BR><BR>In Service to Knight, Crown and Kingdom,<BR>Baron
Turgeis<BR>Squire to Syr Forgal<BR>Steirbach Baronial