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<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>FYI - please note that the reservationist on this
announcement differs from the one listed on/in the acorn. This is more recent
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Thanks!<BR><BR>Kat</FONT></DIV>
style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
<DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message ----- </DIV>
style="BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: black"><B>From:</B>
<A title=mariatheresapontoon@yahoo.com
href="mailto:mariatheresapontoon@yahoo.com">Mary Bowles</A> </DIV>
<DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial"><B>To:</B> <A title=ponte-alto@atlantia.sca.org
href="mailto:ponte-alto@atlantia.sca.org">The Barony of Ponte Alto</A> </DIV>
<DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Sent:</B> Wednesday, July 06, 2005 9:05
<DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Subject:</B> [Ponte Alto] Fwd: [MR] FW:
[central_virginia_sca] URGENT- Updatesof King's Assessment</DIV>
<DIV>Kings' Assessment Information. Read if you are going to this event,
otherwise discard. :)</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Lady Maria-Therese de Normand</DIV>
<DIV>Seneschal, Ponte Alto<BR><BR><B><I>"Mark Bush (personal account)" <<A
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq
style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">From:
"Mark Bush \(personal account\)" <<A
Rose" <<A
Tue, 5 Jul 2005 20:58:05 -0400<BR>Subject: [MR] FW: [central_virginia_sca]
URGENT- Updates of King's Assessment<BR><BR>Forwarded by
request....<BR><BR>Wm of Glencoe<BR>Barony of Black Diamond<BR><BR>_____
<BR><BR>From: central_virginia_sca@yahoogroups.com <BR>Subject:
[central_virginia_sca] URGENT- Updates of King's
Assessment<BR><BR><BR><BR>Greetings All!<BR><BR>Due to troubles with
communications through the Kingdom website, the updates<BR>for Assessment
did not make it into the Acorn this month. I greatly<BR>apologize for this
inconvience and beg the populace indulge me by forwarding<BR>this most
recent information throughout the Kingdom. Thank you for your help<BR>and I
look forward to seeing ever yone at Assessment.<BR><BR>In sincere service,
Lady Juliana.<BR><BR>The King's Assessment of His Armies<BR>Buena Vista, VA,
July 22-24<BR>Barony of Black Diamond,
Gentles pray take heed! War is afoot, and the armies of Atlantia
are<BR>assembled and prepared. Dangerous times are ahead, and all must be
prepared<BR>for the great battles to come. Towards this end, do we, the
Barony of Black<BR>Diamond invite the populous of Atlantia to the King's
Assessment of his<BR>Armies. The armies of Atlantia will stand ready for His
Majesty's inspection<BR>upon the field of battle. Make ready and prepare,
our enemies march as we<BR>speak. Atlantia will be
ready.<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Martial Activities:<BR><BR><BR>On the eve of
July the 22th, a torchlight tourney, for both Armored and<BR>Rapier combat
will occur. Armored combat will include siege and combat<BR>archery. Both
Armored and Rapier will match the Pennsic scen erios. A<BR>tournament to
determine the baronial champions in both heavy and rapier<BR>combat will
occur on the 23rd, as will melees upon his Majesty's discretion.<BR>For more
information contact the MiC, His Excellency, Baron Raven
MacGreggor<BR>(sickpup@excite.com) or RMiC, Lord
Antonio<BR>(webminister@black-diamond.atlantia.sca.org). Black Diamond also
invites the<BR>archers, throwing weapons and other combatants to Assessment,
as a range<BR>will be provided to hone your skills in preparation for war.
For those<BR>wishing to have pavilions on the edges of the list fields,
please contact<BR>the autocrat at bdchatelaine@yahoo.com. Preference will be
given in order of<BR>OP and first come, first served. There will be a
chirugeon on site who is<BR>willing to help apprentices for
this<BR><BR>event. For more information on helping with the chirugeonate,
please<BR>contact Lady Anne la Settere at quotku@yahoo.com. Waterbearers are
also<BR>welcome.<BR><BR>Arts & Sciences:<BR><BR><BR>This year's A&S
theme is the myriad ways we hide the modern and how to stay<BR>cool at
Pennsic War. The best way to hide the modern will have
three<BR>subcategories; cloth, metal, and wood. Prizes will be given for
Periodacity<BR>(Peri-audacity). Is that a sheep in camp or a cooler in
sheep's clothing?<BR>Documentation is strongly encouraged for both
categories.<BR>Works in progress will be welcome in all competitions and
there will be a<BR>small token for the work in progress folks would most
like to see done by<BR>Pennsic. Please contact Aislinn at forsair@yahoo.com
or 540-557-7036 for<BR>additional information. <BR><BR>Also there will be a
dessert contest to be judged by those attending Queen's<BR>Tea. So bring
your desserts and see who can best tempt the delicate palates<BR>of the
flowers of Atlantia. For more information, please contact Rosemary<BR>Teas
at 540-400-0387 or jody8327@cox.net.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Merchants (so far):<BR>.
Miriam's Yarns and Fibers<BR>. Magik Badge r Ironworks<BR><BR>. Teas &
Treasures - teas, dried herbs, apple butter, peach butters, candy,<BR>trail
mixes<BR><BR>. Mad Monk- leather and odd items<BR><BR>. Eluneds Emporium-
Jewelry ; amber and semiprecious stones<BR><BR>. Ironwood Studios<BR><BR>.
Stoneware Pottery<BR><BR>. La Wren's Nest- Clothing, Jewelry and
accessories<BR><BR><BR>Feast:<BR><BR><BR>A grand feast will be provided upon
the evening of the 23rd, along with<BR>lunch for those present during the
day. Seating for feast is for 100.<BR>Reservations are strongly suggested.
For dietary concerns, please contact<BR>Cerwynne ap Fhearghuis at
wtsmitherman@liberty.edu<BR><BR>Lunch is provided in the cost of site fee.
Breakfast will be available for<BR>purchase through the Canton of Azurmont
on both Saturday and Sunday<BR>mornings.<BR><BR>Children's Activities:
<BR><BR><BR>There will be children's activities available on Saturday the
23rd. For more<BR>information, contact Lady Allegranza at
allegranza@earthlink.net.<BR><BR>Schedule (subject to
change):<BR><BR><BR>Friday, July 22nd<BR><BR><BR>4:00 PM Site
opens<BR><BR><BR>6:00 PM Authorizations begin<BR><BR><BR>9:00 PM Torchlight
Tourneys Begin<BR><BR><BR>10:00 PM Bardic
begins<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Saturday, June 23rd<BR><BR><BR>9:00 AM
Authorizations Begin<BR><BR><BR>10:00 AM Opening court<BR><BR><BR>11:00 AM
Fighting begins<BR><BR><BR>12:00 PM Lunch<BR><BR><BR>1:00 PM Fighting
Resumes<BR><BR>1:30 PM Queen's Tea<BR>4:00-5:00 PM Fighting ends<BR>6:00 PM
Court<BR>7:00 PM Feast<BR>8:00-9:00 PM Bardic begins<BR><BR>Sunday, June
24th<BR>9:00 AM Curia<BR>11:00 AM War Practice<BR>2:00 PM Site
closes<BR><BR>Site:<BR>His Majesty's armies are prepared to test their
mettle on the fields of<BR>Glenn Maury Park, in Buena Vista Virginia. 10th
Street, Buena Vista,<BR>Virginia. Showers will be provided. Pets allowed, on
leash. Ground fires are<BR>prohibited though firepits are welcome. Hotels
are available within ten<BR>mile s or less of the site. For more information
on the site or camping,<BR>please contact the Autocrat, Lady Juliana Greene
at Bdchatelaine@yahoo.com.<BR><BR>Fees:<BR>Site: $6.00; Feast $5.00; Camping
$4.00 per person per night. The $3<BR>non-member surcharge does
apply.<BR>Children ages 6-14 are half adult price. The babes (5 and under)
of Atlantia<BR>are the guests of the Barony. There is no camping fee for
children 12 and<BR>under.<BR>Please send reservations to Ravenot (Steve
Elmore) PO Box 2781, Roanoke VA<BR>24001. Make checks payable to Barony of
Black Diamond, SCA Inc.<BR><BR>Merchants:<BR><BR><BR>We welcome all
merchants to display and sell their wares to the populous of<BR>Atlantia.
For more information on merchanting and to reserve space, please<BR>contact
Rosemary Teas at 540-400-0387 or jody8327@cox.net.<BR><BR>Directions:
<BR><BR><BR>>From Blue Ridge Parkway: Take exit 45.6 to Hwy 60 West. Have
fun following<BR>the curves into Buena<BR><BR><BR>Vista. Turn left (south )
at first traffic light onto Rt. 501. Follow Rt. 501<BR>for about 1 1/2 miles
to 10th St. Turn right on 10th St. and follow sign<BR>into Glen Maury
Park.<BR><BR>>From Interstate 81: Take Exit 188A to Hwy 60 East and
follow it into Buena<BR>Vista. Turn right (south) on Rt. 501. Follow Rt. 501
for about 1 1/2 miles<BR>to 10th St. Turn right on 10th St. and follow sign
into Glen Maury Park.<BR><BR>Take heed and make ready, war is on the
horizon, and we will be prepared to<BR>fight for our most noble majesties
and our fair Kingdom of Atlantia<BR><BR><BR>_____ <BR><BR>Yahoo!
Sports<BR>Rekindle<BR><HTTP: pa.yahoo.com *http: us.rd.yahoo.com
the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy Football <BR><BR>To access the Household
of Glencoe Yahoo Group, go
<BR><BR><BR><BR>_____ <BR><BR>YAHOO! GRO UPS LINKS <BR><BR><BR><BR>* Visit
your group "central_virginia_sca<BR><HTTP: groups.yahoo.com group
central_virginia_sca>" on the web.<BR><BR><BR>* To unsubscribe from this
group, send an email
<BR><BR><BR>* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
Service<BR><HTTP: docs.yahoo.com info terms />. <BR><BR><BR>_____
Merry Rose Tavern at Cheapside<BR>List Info:
on Yahoo! Auctions </A>- No fees. Bid on great items.
<P></P>_______________________________________________<BR>Ponte-Alto mailing