<P class=title2>(The Chroniclers would like to thank Lady Cassandra for transcribing the minutes at the meeting. The Il Tempo will be published shortly.)</P>
<P class=title2>Meeting Minutes for Ponte Alto Business Meeting - April 24, 2005</P>
<P>Held at the Education Building of St. Paul's Lutheran Church<BR>25 Attendees<BR>Meeting Start Time: 6:00 pm </P>
<P><B>Officer Reports</B></P>
<P><U>Seneschal: Lady Marie-Therese Normand</U></P>
<LI>26 scrolls by Marie Therese for Coronation scroll competition </LI></UL>
<P><U>MOM: Siobhán</U></P>
<LI>Not present </LI></UL>
<P><U>Exchequer: Lady Melissent d'Artois</U></P>
<LI>Financial blurb sent to Chroniclers - we're in the money!
<LI>Bloodbath put us down $140, but that's to be expected
<LI>Financial Policy - a couple of wording changes - to be published in Il Tempo
<LI>First quarter report in to VA Regional Exchequer (Mistress Anne of Carthew) tomorrow </LI></UL>
<P><U>Heavy Marshal: Lord Duncan the Elder</U> (not present: report via Seneschal)</P>
<LI>35 fighters at war practice
<LI>Practices continue, weather permitting, on Sundays - more folks coming in the better weather
<LI>Waiver checking changes - Blue card with noted number and expiration date only needs to be checked once and not seen again until expiration date </LI></UL>
<P><U>Rapier Marshal: Lord Geoffrey ap Clywd</U></P>
<LI>Back outside on Sundays, things going well
<LI>Would like to request more funds for loaner gear - See New Business </LI></UL>
<P><U>Archery Marshal: Arnfriğr</U></P>
<LI>Our Baronial Archery Champion, Miles de Locwode, led our team to victory at Defending the Gate - Go Pontoons!
<LI>Still looking for a site in Ponte Alto - Rene's not available - parking troublesome
<LI>Practices now in Leesburg, VA, (Stierbach's site) on Monday nights; Arnfriğr and Miles will still carpool out; contact Arnfridr or Miles if interested in carpooling.
<LI>New archery competition at Kingdom level - Arnfriğr will get us more details as she knows them
<LI>Looking for some loaner gear - see New Business </LI></UL>
<P><U>A&S: Baroness Greta Klusenaere</U></P>
<LI>Lots of workshops happening; thanks to Courtney & Connor and Mathilde for hosting Wednesday night classes.
<LI>April 29th, 2005 there will be an A&S/Bardic night at Perronelle's.
<LI>May 1st - deadline for A&S classes at Pennsic (says Mistress Anne of Carthew) </LI></UL>
<P><U>Chatelaine: Lady Marsaili Johnston of Lochwood Moss</U></P>
<LI>Not present (reported in officer letters) </LI></UL>
<P><U>Herald: Lord Connor Sinclair</U></P>
<LI>Barional Award Badges submitted to Kingdom - Golden Dolphin Herald will report when they have arrived
<LI>Heraldry Nights may start up again in June </LI></UL>
<P><U>MOL: Baroness Agnes Daunce</U></P>
<LI>War Practice - 4 heavy fighters authorizations - Jonah in spear
<LI>Need to pre-plan more with the Exchequer to send the monies for authorizations in. </LI></UL>
<P><U>Chronicler: Lady Courtney de Houghton and Lord Connor Sinclair</U></P>
<LI>Artwork coming in for May issue </LI></UL>
<P><U>Web Minister: Lady Cassandra Arabella Giordani</U></P>
<LI>Baronial Pennsic website should be up tonight </LI></UL>
<P><U>Warlord: Sir Thomas of Calais</U></P>
<LI>War Practice - Ponte Alto is shaping up like a unit, woo-hoo! Looking good, getting competitive. Thomas will catch up on how to command now. :) </LI></UL>
<P><B>Baron and Baroness: Baron Marcellus Capoziello da Napoli and Baroness Belphoebe de Givet</B></P>
<LI>New Baronial war banner for our victory at Defending the Gate
<LI>Ranulf and Caitlyn have design for the new travel thrones - Marcellus making seats and backs, Miguel making finnials - and the whole design is documentable! - Couple of hundred dollars under budget
<LI>Lord Meuric was chosen as one of the most chivalrous unbelted fighrers at Tournament of Chivalry
<LI>At Crown Tourney we will have a Baronial hospitality tent (15' x 15' pavillion). Anyone who would like to contribute food to the potluck would be most appreciated. Please contact Baron Marcellus with contribution information.
<LI>Baronial Progress: Night on the Town, Crown, Hero's Portion (?), Sapphire Joust, Highland River Melees, Challenge of the Heart, Stierbach's B-day
<LI>Send Recommendations for Baronial/Kingdom Awards! </LI></UL>
<P><U>Chalice:</U> September 16-18, 2005<BR>
Siobhan, autocrat; Lady Luce Antony Venus, deputy autocrat</P>
<LI>New byline: The Posiedon Adventure (if the weather won't come to us, we'll go to the weather). Based on Homer's Odyssey.</LI>
<LI>All slots are available for volunteers.</LI>
<LI>Gruffudd is cooking again.</LI>
<LI>A new Parking Czar is also needed.</LI>
<LI>The site will be Prince William Forest Park again: wet site, cabin camping only; no tents. </LI>
<LI>It was requested that we purchase an extra month of ad space in the Acorn for this event due to the Acorn's habitual late arrival lately.</LI>
<LI>The site will probably be Prince William Forest Park again: wet site, cabin camping only; no tents</LI>
<LI>Luce asked for people traveling to other events to contact her if they are willing to deliver the Chalice Challenge in those other courts.</LI>
<P><U>Pennsic:</U> August 2005</P>
<LI>We are registered with Pennsic as The Barony of Ponte Alto.
<LI>You can register adult ghosts only (no child ghosts) - use real names, not Fluffy the Cat! </LI></UL>
<P><U>November Event:</U> November 2005</P>
<LI>Proposal by Baroness Belphoebe: Spanish - new world meets old world - boat races. Lady Celia of Rosedale is the potential autocrat. Possibility of sponsoring best ship competition for A&S
<LI>Connor requested proposals for the November event be made at the May meeting. </LI></UL>
<P><B>Old Business</B></P>
<LI>Lady Perronelle la peintre continues work on the Ponte Alto phone directory. Please e-mail Perronelle (dwatsonirwin AT cox.net) to be included.
<LI>Arnfriğr investigated the cost of arm guards and gloves for loaner archery gear. Looking for input on sizes (kids?). Scott may have leather available to make some arm guards. Commercial prices (arm guards) - child sizes ~$6, adults ~$10-14 + S&H; Commercial prices (gloves) - $22 + S&H; Set aside a cap of $100 for archery equipment - voted on and approved by the Barony. </LI></UL>
<P><B>New Business</B></P>
<LI>Geoffrey requested $150 for rapier loaner equipment - approved by the Barony
<LI>Discussion about the fundraising concerns brought up via email about Bloodbath ensued. Baroness Belphoebe had contacted Duchess Mel, who was FINE with the good cause of the fund raiser for the Royal Travel Fund at Bloodbath, and she was clear about where the money collected at the event was going. Group consensus was that all fundraisers should be published in Acorn and event flyers at the event. <BR>As a side note, this was a one shot event for the Oldcastle Memorial Tournament - back to St. Paddy's Day Bloodbath next year. </LI></UL>
<P><B>Announcements</B> </P>
<LI>Thank you note from Duchess Melissent for Bloodbath
<LI>Next meeting is May 22th, 2005. The change was approved by Barony. Lady Celia of Rosedale will check with the church on availability. Backup location is B&B's house
<LI>Proposal to move the Barony meeting to third Sunday permanently - discussion next meeting </LI></UL>
<P>Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:15 pm. </P>
<DIV><FONT face=verdana color=#0000ff>Lady Courtney de Houghton </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=verdana color=#0000ff>Acting Atlantian Clerk of Law</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=verdana color=#0000ff>Chronicler, Barony of Ponte Alto<BR>Assistant Webminister, Barony of Ponte Alto <BR>Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA</FONT></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><p>__________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com