<DIV>Greetings Ponte Alto,</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Anyone wanting to volunteer as Troll, Please contact Lady Melissent at <STRONG><EM><A href="mailto:melaniesuzanne@gmail.com">melaniesuzanne@gmail.com</A>. </EM></STRONG></DIV>
<P>Thank you.</P>
<P>Lady Maria-Therese de Normand<BR>Seneschal, Ponte Alto</P>
<DIV><BR><BR><B><I>Melanie Cozad <melaniesuzanne@gmail.com></I></B> wrote:</DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2005 16:30:46 -0500<BR>From: Melanie Cozad <MELANIESUZANNE@GMAIL.COM><BR>To: Mary Bowles <MARIATHERESAPONTOON@YAHOO.COM><BR>Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] Help needed for Preformers Symposium.<BR><BR>FYI... I'm head troll and Katharine Devereaux is my assistant.<BR><BR>Cheers,<BR>Melissent<BR><BR><BR>On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 13:19:55 -0800 (PST), Mary Bowles<BR><MARIATHERESAPONTOON@YAHOO.COM>wrote:<BR>> Greetings Ponte Alto,<BR>> <BR>> Help is need for the Preformers Symposium, ranging from set-up, Troll,<BR>> childrens corner, take down, ect. If you want to get involved and help the<BR>> barony and Lady Allisan please volunteer. This is a plea from your<BR>> Seneschal, it takes more than one person to pull off a successful event.<BR>> Help your Barony and the Autocrat by asking what you can do to help out.<BR>> <BR>> YIS,<BR>> Lady Maria-Therese de
Normand<BR>> Seneschal, Ponte Alto<BR>> <BR>> ________________________________<BR>> Do you Yahoo!?<BR>> Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term' <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> _______________________________________________<BR>> Ponte-Alto mailing list<BR>> Ponte-Alto@atlantia.sca.org<BR>> http://seahorse.atlantia.sca.org/mailman/listinfo/ponte-alto<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR><BR><BR>-- <BR>Melanie Cozad<BR>Lady Melissent d'Artois [SCA - Kingdom of Atlantia - Barony of Ponte Alto]<BR>Milicent Chapman [Lord Grey's Retinue]<BR>melaniesuzanne@gmail.com<BR></BLOCKQUOTE><p>
<hr size=1>Do you Yahoo!?<br>
Yahoo! Search presents - <a href="http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=30648/*http://movies.yahoo.com/movies/feature/jibjabinaugural.html">Jib Jab's 'Second Term'</a>