<DIV>Dearest Mary,</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Thank you so much for doing this! </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Belphoebe<BR><BR><B><I>Marlin Pierce <marlin_pierce_2000@yahoo.com></I></B> wrote:</DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Greetings Unto the Populace of Ponte Alto,<BR><BR>The plans for the fighter breakfast are starting to firm up, and I just wanted<BR>everyone to know that the day is going to be Monday of War week at the ungodly<BR>vacation time of 8:00 a.m to 10:00 p.m., or until the food runs out. At that<BR>time I will have available the rules of the list if you have not read them by<BR>then, read them while you eat.<BR><BR>Thanks to everyone who's contacted me and volunteered to help with the<BR>breakfast. I appreciate your willingness in getting up before noon to support<BR>the Barony and the troops, and hopefully we Pontoons will be inspired by your<BR>support to do our best to bring home honor and glory in appreciation of your<BR>efforts. :)<BR><BR><BR><BR>(Actually from...)<BR>Lady Maria-Therese de Normand<BR>Deputy Northern Regional Warlord<BR>Acting Seneschal of Ponte Alto [congratulations
Miles ;) ]<BR>Ponte Alto's Heavy Weapon Champion<BR>Amusing Fighter Chic<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>__________________________________<BR>Do you Yahoo!?<BR>New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages!<BR>http://promotions.yahoo.com/new_mail <BR><BR>_______________________________________________<BR>Ponte-Alto mailing list<BR>Ponte-Alto@atlantia.sca.org<BR>http://seahorse.atlantia.sca.org/mailman/listinfo/ponte-alto<BR><BR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR><BR>-- It is a terrible insult to anyone to kill them when you are badly dressed.<br>(From the Rules of Ettiquette of the Ankh Morpork Guild of Assasins)<br>House Fallen From Grace, "Corrupting the Innocent since 1569": http://www.houseffg.org<br>Atlantian Siege Guild http://siege.atlantia.sca.org