<DIV><BR><BR><B><I>fjf1111 <fjf1111@yahoo.com></I></B> wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">To: caermear@yahoogroups.com<BR>From: "fjf1111" <FJF1111@YAHOO.COM><BR>Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 01:57:14 -0000<BR>Subject: [caermear] Sad News PLEASE CROSS POST!<BR><BR><TT>Gentle Friends,<BR><BR>Earlier this evening David Gipe passed away.<BR><BR>For those that do not know him, he is also known as Manfred <BR>Gustsson, second Baron of Caer Mear. Manfred became Baron in 1980 <BR>and served in that post until 1991. He is survived by his wife Tish <BR>and his son David. <BR><BR>As details become available, they will be posted.<BR><BR>In the spring of 1984, when I was a Freshman at VCU, I met Manfred, <BR>along with some other characters and got my first, albiet small, <BR>glimpse of the SCA. Due to his Real world considerations, Manfred <BR>did not travel much, but was EXTREMLY visible here at home. Though <BR>he and I did not always see eye to eye, he was always the first to <BR>stand up
and speak his mind, and try to find a way to make the FUN <BR>happen for everyone, and for that lesson alone I will be always <BR>greatful. Manfred asked me to lead the baronial forces in defense of <BR>our beloved Diamond angainst those marauding fiends the black <BR>diamonders. It was my first chance to "be in command" of a field <BR>unit (a wopping 16 folks), and it was an amazing expierence, and one <BR>that I will never forget. Later he gave me his Barons award <BR>for "Leading the forces of the Barony against her foes.".That scroll <BR>is one of my proudest possesions and always will be so.<BR><BR>Thank you for letting me ramble. Anyone else with memories of <BR>Manfred is encouraged to post them so that some of our newer friends <BR>can learn about him as well.<BR><BR>Thanks Dave, save me a seat in the mead hall, cause I know your <BR>gonna make your way up to the best seats in the house!<BR><BR>Just Fritz <BR><BR></TT><BR><!-- |**|begin egp html banner|**| -->
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