<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT COLOR="#000080" SIZE=2>* Our Barony has given supplies to this noble cause.... but if anyone can donate their time... please contact Her Excellency at the address below
<BR>thank you
<BR>Baroness Denise Duvalier
<BR>Greetings to you this fine day! Below you will find the complete flyer for this years' Knowne World Children's Fete at Pennsic XXXI. As you know, such an enormous endeavor cannot happen without the help of volunteers who generously give of their time and their resources.
<BR>Thank you to those baronies who have already promised to help. To the other baronies, I humbly ask that you <B><U>please help me reach my goal of garnering participation from every barony in Atlantia! </B></U> This does not mean you <I>personally</I> have to help. If you know of gentles from your Barony who will be attending Pennsic and would be interested in helping, please pass this information on to them. Feel free to pass this flyer on to your ministers of minors, seneschals, or post to other e-lists. We are still in need of donations (candy, prizes), activities, and/or volunteers for general assistance. We are also in need of fighters willing to do some boffer activities with the children.
<BR>Thank you for your help.
<BR>In Service to Atlantia -
<BR>Julianna Fiorentini,
<BR>Hidden Mountain
<BR>Pray attend good gentles all. <B>King Logan Ebonwoulfe & Queen Isabel Grimault</B>, gracious Monarchs of Atlantia, extend an invitation to the children of the Known World to attend the 5th Annual Known World Children's Fête at Pennsic XXXI.
<BR>The party is hosted by Their Atlantian Majesties and the Kingdom
<BR>of Atlantia, though staffed by good gentles from throughout the known
<BR>world. The party will take place in the Barn on Wednesday, August 14,
<BR>2002 from 12:30 until 3:30 pm. The fête is designed for young people between
<BR>the ages of four and fifteen.
<BR>In keeping with the Children's Party of previous years, the
<BR>afternoon will be filled with a variety of arts and crafts, ongoing
<BR>activities and live performances to amuse and delight. Favorites from
<BR>prior years such as mask making, face painting, boffer, and races will again occur this year as well as exciting new activities. Please be aware that we may
<BR>be having some activities that involve the use of water this year, so
<BR>dress your children appropriately if they will be participating in those
<BR>activities. There will also be light snacks and drinks available for
<BR>children and their parents (at sign-in parents must indicate any food
<BR>allergies that children might have).
<BR>We ask that those children ages four, five and six have an adult (or
<BR>teen who is at least 14 years old) remain with them throughout the festivities. Older
<BR>children should be checked on periodically by parents or guardians or
<BR>older teens to ensure their safety and suitable behavior. In addition,
<BR>all parents who leave their young Scadians at the party must register
<BR>their whereabouts on a sign-up sheet prior to leaving and include any
<BR>health, dietary or other concerns. If the child arrives with an adult
<BR>but may leave the party unattended or with an adult who is not their
<BR>parent/guardian, that must be noted at check-in as well. Children should
<BR>be picked up no later than 3:35 p.m. Children should be properly
<BR>identified with their name and the name of their parents on their person
<BR>at all times. We ask that children do not bring personal articles with
<BR>them while attending the Children's Fete, as the organizers will not be
<BR>responsible for lost, broken or stolen items.
<BR>This is assured to be another fun-filled festive occasion for
<BR>the children of the Known World. We had a wonderful time last year and
<BR>we hope to see all of last year's participants back along with many new
<BR>We also always need volunteers for the party. We are looking for
<BR>individuals who are willing to be wandering or stationary performers
<BR>(magicians, jugglers, puppeteers, storytellers, etc.). We need gentles
<BR>who want to be sponsors of their own chosen activity or help with
<BR>activities that need additional people. Gentles are needed to set up and
<BR>help break down, and also to provide general help (i.e. escorts to the
<BR>bathroom, signing in children, serving refreshments, wandering staff,
<BR>etc.). We can never have too many people helping.
<BR>Please remember that without the generous volunteers who give of their
<BR>time and energy each year, the party would not happen.
<BR>To see a complete listing of what is planned for the fete, and help needed, please go to the KMoM website and look under Pennsic Activities:
<BR>If you would like to help, or need more information, please contact Baroness Julianna Fiorentini via email at mack2357@aol.com or via telephone at (843) 665-5977 before 9pm EST. Camping with Barony of Hidden Mountain, E01. Or contact Duchess Seonaid ni Fhionn ((910) 949-3143 before 9 pm Eastern.