[Ponte Alto] Spring Schedule for Archery at Grimmsfield

Scott Webb grimm at grimmsfield.com
Fri Feb 28 18:28:57 PST 2020

Sorry this somehow got deleted, but here it is again:
My good and noble friends of the bow,
As the days get longer and we can see daylight savings time on the horizon, it is time to post the new Grimmsfield/Stierbach/ Ponte Alto schedule for the spring season:
For Grimmsfield A&S:
3/2/20 will be the final A&S of the season
For Stierbach/ Ponte Alto Indoor practice at Bull Run:
We will continue through the end of march to give everyone a chance to finish the indoor shoots.
Practice on 2/28/20, 3/6/20, 3/13/20, 3/27/20
Grimmsfield Monday practices will start on 3/16/20 (not the 9th because I am busy) and run on Monday nights till daylight savings ends.
In order to help us get ready for the summer season, This Sunday will be a range prep/archery practice. I plan on starting around 1:00 p.m. and spending a hour or so getting the range ready for the summer season. After that the range will be open for shooting till dusk. I plan on making a stew to help keep our energy up and will welcome all side dishes /snacks/ desserts. For more information and directions please see www.grimmsfield.org. <https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.grimmsfield.org%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2HRIddV6W-Ug-D-01x7qdrFXX9YF52WXRjBLl-LTtxzyM2_RjJzrtP5Jc&h=AT1IfCOma6wBm-mBLpVu2ScU5tkWPyE24cgKjX-eSVQfcFKFWRCjBUd6KdeR6CmtmGmk4Q41nD_NtgNNd_Tj4810gGcnNZOcksn1ODTDloFy5yVZ6twob6Z8ohK_s69OK5xIrSejwpbIiJRC7aKEi2Z1ysZs9K_Z0J2jYFkVYThN0uSI9jMurGcMUh8NG_ecix8ZwP1ma7tfcEQInvWCmsqDEgzlv7UR4HNAluBpfM2kHVklsT64jW41uKx3Xyws5ej8elu_mPHDBlNXDUbUD44ZQEqYitQ9sALcUpzSom2tteQAZcTXh9EsTDGGsvAMslLvpjjiQFhFIV_9oPyZITt-_9fBjv6gdD6QTPrLDLs7cCVuL-VRqK4gG5SN085DEkFk94QeF1ThQzWwS1UYJQM9PdfajXmxUFB6qESaU-tFmm5-MgZe8Pa3ummlC-Pz8VnHS6WEmXCJagq8XTp2eALxdEi4jScdQ3USG0ldQ1unQltjfy6BZs7XzEwXWVzyjfb64zQPNmC_BePkg4p4ZDDk8ArufCZA-NKTAjee7gqo0-6Bp2_4Iyj5BGjBeZekO-Sw-as1CG78Z1Ha8SrEO0HwEeN9V-Z8k6rHaIvoETGQSRsBHtUF-EkGpWrs3k2paosC_rA> Hope to see you all there and welcome to spring!
Your servant,
TL:DR: Just read it
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