[Ponte Alto] Notification

servicedesk at help.wsp.com servicedesk at help.wsp.com
Sat Sep 28 04:36:27 PDT 2019

Your email to the Global IT Service Desk has been received - if this is an issue requiring URGENT assistance, please CALL us using your in-country phone number. We will respond to your e-mail during our regular hours of operation between 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM local time. We provide limited support outside of the local business hours. 

You can also obtain support through our Service Desk Portal on the web at help.wsp.com 

Thank you


Votre courriel acheminé au Centre d’assistance TI global a bien été reçu- si ce problème requiert une assistance IMMÉDIATE SVP nous contacter par téléphone en utilisant votre numéro local. Nous répondrons à votre courriel durant les heures ouvrables soit entre 7 heures et 18 heures (heure locale). Le soutien technique en dehors des heures ouvrables est limité.

Vous pouvez aussi obtenir de l’aide en visitant le portail de WSP au help.wsp.com


----- Original Message -----
From: Kay Jarrell <kjarrell at gmail.com>
To: ponte-alto at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2019 7:34:30 AM GMT-04:00
Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] Wild Hunt Updates

>I have a family event out of town and will not be able to attend or assist Oct 12.
>Is there anything I can do to help NEXT weekend? This notice came after this weekend was all booked.
>Is there any Mask making planned  in the next two weeks?
>Thank you,
>On Fri, Sep 27, 2019, 1:34 PM Marion Compton <marion.comptonsca at gmail.com<mailto:marion.comptonsca at gmail.com>> wrote:
>Hello all!
>Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help with the Wild Hunt. I really appreciate everything you have all done to pitch in for this- it's shaping up to be an excellent event and I couldn't do it without you all. We do still need help with setting up the morning of so if you're free, please let me know.
>For the day of, any sort of tables, chairs, and or popups would also be greatly appreciated. If any of the weather forecasts are to be believed, it'll still be a fairly warm, sunny day that day.
>We are doing pre-cook this weekend still! Saturday will largely be prep in the morning and afternoon and will be done around 5 that day for something I definitely forgot I'd agreed to do. Sunday will be an all-day thing so if you want to swing by and help us cook, please do! If you'd like to stop by, shoot me an email and I can send you the address.
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>Ponte-Alto at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org

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