[Ponte Alto] Letters of intent

Dwayne Eckman duds62 at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 15 06:38:25 PDT 2018

Reminder: Letter of Intent are due by 30 September 2018.  Update your SCA membership address!!!!

Seeking new Crown's Representative to our Lands

Their Excellencies, with sad heart and forethought of mind, have decided other worthy members should experience this exciting opportunity, as the Crown's Representative to our Lands. Therefore the Barony of Ponte Alto is seeking couples or individuals desiring to fulfill their dreams as the Ceremonial Head of State to our beloved lands. This is a three year commitment to serve; extensions beyond the initial term are through polling of confidence and at the behest of The Crowns. There must be a minimum of two and a maximum of four candidates. Letters of Intent are sought and should express your desire, reasons you are worthy of consideration and tell the baronial members about your SCA experience. Consider this document your advertisement -- garner your support -- as this document, upon your approval by their Highnesses for consideration by the baronial members, will be posted to the Barony of Ponte Alto's web page, newsletter, and Facebook page. LOIs are due to the seneschal by 30 September 2018; seneschal AT pontealto.atlantia.sca.org. Please consider running.

Lord Seamus O Maoil Riain

Seneschal, Barony of Ponte Alto

Note: All members of the Barony please update your mailing address with the Society; this is essential in order to vote on an official polling. The intent of their Highnesses is for this polling to be conducted on the Atlantian electronic polling system used by polling orders; this will be the first baronial polling using the ESP.

More to follow...

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