[Ponte Alto] December A&S Activities

Marlene Martineau marlene.martineau at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 08:25:44 PST 2018

To all Pontoon Artisans,

There will be no A&S activities in Dec, including project night and
scribal. Instead, take this opportunity to plan your entries/performances
for the Baronial A&S and Baronial Bardic Championships to be selected on
2/16 at the Baronial Birthday/Investiture.

You know you wanna!! Being a Baronial Champ is loads of fun, you get to
infect others with your chosen art, you get to stand in court with our B&B,
you get to wear cool regalia. See, isn't that worth participating? Yes, yes
it is. :)

YIS, Vadoma
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