[Ponte Alto] Upcoming Investitures
Baroness Cellach Mór
cellach.mor at gmail.com
Mon May 1 11:49:38 PDT 2017
Good afternoon,
This summer and fall are full of events and excitement. For five Baronies,
this means new Baronage and for Atlantia this means new Royals (to be
determined by Right of Arms this Saturday). In the recent business meeting,
I mentioned that we as a Ponte Alto give each set of Baronage and Royals
things to make their lives easier. Sometimes this is largess such as
tokens, or jewelry. Sometimes it is cording for medallions (kumihimo cord)
or inkle/tablet woven trim. Sometimes it is more modern items such as
packets of tissues or note cards.
His Excellency and I received many items from Their Excellencies Drogo and
Adina when we stepped up (as well as from many other Baronies) but alas the
time has come that our supply chests are running low. We humbly ask that
whomever can help fill gift baskets for the groups below do so!
With eternal gratitude,
Alric and Cellach, Baron and Baroness, Ponte Alto
May 19th - 21st is Hawkwood Baronial Birthday and Investiture (
http://www.baronyofhawkwood.org/) Their colors are Blue, White and Gold.
May 26th - 29th is Ruby Joust VI and Caer Mear Investiture (
http://caermear.atlantia.sca.org/home.html) Their colors are Red and Blue.
June 24th is the Barony of Stierbach Baronial Birthday and Investiture (
http://stierbach.atlantia.sca.org/) Their colors are Red and White.
Sept 22nd - 24th is Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday and Investiture (
http://sacredstone.atlantia.sca.org/) Their colors are Green and White.
Sept 22nd - 24th is Battle on the Bay & Lochmere Investiture (
http://lochmere.atlantia.sca.org/) Their colors are Blue and White.
October 7th is Fall Coronation. (http://atlantia.sca.org) Kingdom colors
are Blue, White and Gold.
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