[Ponte Alto] Fw: [Atlantia-Announce] Stierbach Baronial Investiture A&S Schedule with Updates!

Robert Capozello afpopa at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 16 07:34:00 PDT 2017

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 From: Failenn Chu inghean ui Fhaelain via Announce <announce at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org>
 To: atlantia at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org; announce at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org 
 Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2017 4:19 PM
 Subject: [Atlantia-Announce] Stierbach Baronial Investiture A&S Schedule with Updates!
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Stierbach Baronial Investiture A&S! June 24,2017

This Baronial Investiture is a grand time to show offyour Arts and Sciences! We will be having competitions, displays, and hopefullyclasses! Bring your bling to show it off! Teach others to make fantasticcrafts! Come and learn how do do things! DisplaysThis year we will be having 2 display opportunities! 1.      Static Display - Bring whatever you're working on, let ussee your art, your science! (Documentation encouraged, but not required.) (Lady Failenn Chu ingen ui Fhaelainarts at stierbach.org)2.      Peer Review - Bring your work in progress, your“thesis” project that keeps growing, that project that has you stuck. Receive feedback like that which you’d receive in a competition, but here,everyone is a winner!  Tokens are encouraged.  Feedback forms will beprovided, but please bring a notebook to accompany your submission.  Draftdocumentation strongly encouraged. (Lady Esa inghean Donnchaidh, scott [dot] rachelanne [at] gmail [dot] com) Three competitions! 1.      Dirty Dozen Largesse - Make 12 of anything that can begiven as largesse by either the Baron and Baron or the King and Queen. This oneis anonymous, so if you make documentation, please remember no names. Winnerwill get 1 of each item and possibly a little something extra..... (Lady Failenn Chu ingen uiFhaelain arts at stierbach.org)2.      Scroll Blank Competition - The Scrivener Royal would lovesome blanks! Please remember to leave a 1/2" - 1" border the wholeway around your illumination and to document if there are any toxic materialsused. Documentation with pictures of the exemplar are highly encouraged. Winnerwill get a prize and the Scrivener Royal will get blanks! Win - win!( Lady Failenn Chu ingen uiFhaelain arts at stierbach.org) 3.      German Landsknecte Competition - Entries forthis competition may include any item that a Landsknechte would need on their travels. In addition to usual judging criteria (such as documentation), entries will bejudged on their usefulness and creativity! (Lady Esa inghean Donnchaidh, scott [dot] rachelanne [at] gmail [dot] com)  Classes! (There will be University Credit for studentsonly, who sign the roster)  12-1:Viking Wire Weaving - Lady Arnbjorg - Beginning to advanced wired weavingtechniques (will depend on the class size and skill level of students.) Theremay be a fee for dowel and wire. Indoors12-1: You bought it, nowwhat: bought a fleece that you forgot the project for, or maybe it didn't endup what you wanted? Every fleece has ares that can/will be used for certainprojects, as well as certain breeds are better suited for some projects thanothers, though that's not to say every breed has to be put into a certaincategory - Lady Freug the Herbalist. Outside under her pavilion. 1-2: Fleeces from ourscadian history: certain breeds helped shape the clothing and trades that weassociate with the middle ages, come see which ones were part of the ages wehold near & dear, as well as their origins, their trade secrets, and howthey continue (or don't) to influence cultures today - Lady Freug theHerbalist. Outside under her pavilion. 1-2 PM - "What's thathat and how do I say Hi, basic SCA etiquette " - Baroness Aine ingenChuimin - It will be an overview of what the different crowns and coronetsrepresent , titles and how to address them, when and where to bow. Also a briefoverview of group heraldry. Indoors2-3: Grease in fleece: thedebate continues...is it better to use a cleaned fleece vs a fleece 'in thegrease' (unwashed/partially cleaned). Come bring your spindle, wheel, even yourthigh & your hands to do it as some cultures still do it...find out foryourself. Come get your fingers filthy looking at fleeces & how they werebred for the staple lengths they currently have, & advantages/disadvantagesof both clean, minimally processed, & 'off the sheep' - Lady Freug theHerbalist. Outside under her pavilion. 2-3: Braid Weights - Baroness Tatiana Ivanovna - Learn to make period braidweights to hold your braids back. Bring 1 yard of ribbon, and possibly scissorsand needles. Indoors. 
Thank you! 
Yours in Service to the Dream, Lady Failenn Chu ingen ui Fhaelain Minister of Arts and Sciences, Barony of Stierbach
Eastern Deputy to the Clerk Signet of Atlantia _______________________________________________
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