[Ponte Alto] Reminder - Baronial Business Meeting Tonight @ 6pm

Christine Menton seneschal at pontealto.atlantia.sca.org
Sun Jan 29 11:41:49 PST 2017

Greetings unto the List:

Do to a last minute conflict in scheduling at our normal meeting location
we have had to secure a different venue for this week's business meeting.

Ponte Alto Baronial Business Meeting - Sunday - 1/29/17 - 6:00pm

Arlington Public Library - Central Library - 2nd Floor
1015 N Quincy St
Arlington VA 22201

There is a public parking lot and two parking decks near by, because it is
the weekend no parking passes are required.   However we need everyone to
arrive by 5:45 - we absolutely need to start at 6:00pm and we must finish
by 7:00pm.  We must vacate the room by 7:15pm.  There may be another group
using the room after use and we need to leave in a timely fashion to allow
them time to enter and set up.   Due to the time constraints, please have
your reports ready ahead of time.  Remember to email copies to the
Chronicler, and if you will not be there in person, send me a copy as well.

Please no food or drink in the library.

I look forward to seeing you all tonight.

Yours in service,
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