[Ponte Alto] herald needed

Sue Schneider sqrybe at gmail.com
Sun Oct 23 18:44:13 PDT 2016

Greetings to the good Gentles of Ponte Alto,


Pray attend. 


At the beginning of the coming year I will step down as our baronial herald
after two terms of serving our Barony. This chair cannot be empty. The
Barony, by law, must have a baronial herald. There is no deputy to turn to
and so I come to you all to ask if anyone is interested in taking on this
necessary, interesting, and fun position. I will happily help you learn the
responsibilities and resources you have at your disposal. This community,
the Atlantian College of Heralds, is welcoming and supportive, and will be
there to guide you through the ins and outs of Atlantian heraldry. Please
email me, herald at pontealto.atlantia.sca.org or PM me on Facebook if you are


Agnete Köslin

Herald, Ponte  Alto

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