[Ponte Alto] An Autocrat's Thanks...

J. M. Schneider grimkirk at gmail.com
Mon May 4 06:05:37 PDT 2015

Greetings from the Crown Autocrat

Crown was a hit, and there are many people who to whom I am greatly indebted
for this achievement. First, my principals:

Field Staff:
Lady Theresa O' Cahir (Theresa Crean) - Deputy Autocrat / Royal Liaison
Master Marcellus di Napoli (Bob Capozello) - Field Coordinator
Lady Agnete von Köslin (My lady, Sue Schneider) - Gate Steward
Lady Aneka Siltanen (Eliisa Harman) - Youth Activities
Master Eadric the Potter (Rob van Rens) - Merchant Coordinator

Hall Staff:
Lady Aveline Scargill (Rebecca Karas) - Head Cook
Lady Maria Chiara Datini (Mary Dotson) - Major Domo

Field Staff:
Theresa - As my deputy, and Royal Liaison (and last-minute Major Domo) you
answered late evening texts, e-mails, phone calls, and in general, saved my
bacon more times than I can ever thank you for. But thank you nonetheless.
You are a treasure beyond words.

Marcellus - As an experienced Field Coordinator, I trusted you to handle the
'wrinkle' I threw at you (canvas/heraldry limitations), and you did not
disappoint. I cannot begin to tell you how many people came to me to remark
upon the 'fit' on the field, and how well you organized it. In my book, you
have few peers.

Agnete - As expected, you and those who served with you as Gate Staff
(Mistress Celia and Lady Vadoma) were the 'first face' of our event, and
insured that our guests were handled with great care, and well informed. I
heard countless people commenting upon the tokens as a 'well thought out
thematic detail' (or words to that effect), which I believe greatly added to
our polished presence. Thank you.

Annika - An obviously deft hand with the youth at our event made for a
wonderful highlight to a spectacular day. The children were a pleasure to be
around, and having lunch delivered by them made the day even more special.

Eadric - Words seem insufficient when merchants are often overlooked as a
service to events. Thank you, most kindly for helping wrangle your fellow
merchants that added so much to our event.

Aveline - A hearty thank you to both you and your staff (Sophia van der
Werken, and a Lady Alicia) for a *wonderful* repast. I know it was well
received by all who stayed for dinner, if only by the line of people at the
kitchen door seeking leftovers to take home! I pity the fools who missed
wink emoticon

Major Domo: Maria, while personal matters kept you away at Crown, your work
up to the week of the event was obvious, and your service was greatly
appreciated. Personally, you were simply missed.

There were many who made the work lighter for their efforts. These are the
ones I can recall by name. If you're not mentioned here, it's because my
memory fails me at the present, and I will seek to make amends at the
earliest possible date. [and please forgive me if I hork up your title]. -

Master Donal (Jeb Raitt) (Principal Field Herald)
Lord Geoffrey ap Clywd (Field Decor)
THL Arthur of the Black Watch (Field Decor, Hall Decor, Serving Head Table,
and Clean up)
Lord Hannus Siltanen (Field Tear Down)
Lord Cosimo of Venice (Field Set up and Tear Down)
Baron Connor Levingestoune (Trailer Tetris Master, Field Tear Down)
Lord Leonhart (sp?) (Trailer Tetris Master, Field Tear Down)
Lord Alric the Mad for the generous use of his magnificent day shade for the
MoL's presence
and many, many more who also pitched in to clear the list field.
Thank you all! Your service ennobles our barony and glorifies our kingdom.

My 'vision' from the very beginning (and that of those who saw it) was much
like that of Baron Ursus and his photography - to enable our guests to
'capture the moment'. If any of our efforts successfully achieved that for
any one person on this special day, then we truly succeeded.

I remain in your debt,

Michael Schneider
Lord Grimkirk ap Greymoor
Autocrat - Spring Crown 2015

p.s. - Additional thanks go out to Mistress Belphoebe de Givet for her help
setting up the A&S presence, Lady Éadaoin an Fheadha inghean Uí Shéghdha
(Sarah Stango) for her service at the Gate, and Lady Ceallagh Mariadhe (Kim
Gibson) for serving head table.

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