[Ponte Alto] Baronial Camp meeting tonight, Wednesday, 8 July, 7 pm (ish)

Adina adinavdh at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 08:22:56 PDT 2015

Hail Pontoons and Friends of the Barony attending Pennsic and camping with
the Barony this year!
..Just a reminder (you should have received an email or two last month),
Baronial Camp meeting tonight, Wednesday, 8 July, at the Baron and
Baroness' house.  7 pm (ish) to allow for traffic.
.. If you have never attended Pennsic or haven't camped with the Barony in
the past 4 years, you are highly encouraged to attend.
..Our address is on the Baronial web site as is our phone number.  Any
issues, questions, please call!
..See everyone tonight!
Drogo e Adina
Barone e Baronessa di Ponte Alto
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