[Ponte Alto] Cardweaving Class - Apr 11 10 am-3pm, Limit 10

Rúna RunaSCA at gmail.com
Mon Apr 6 17:23:13 PDT 2015

Greetings fellow Pontoons:

In response to several requests, Lady Vadoma, (aka Marlene Wells Martineau
<https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=643599435>) will be teaching a
beginning card-weaving class at my house in Chantilly on Saturday, April
11, starting at 10 am.

If you have an inkle or other small loom, please bring it. I believe Lady
Vadoma will also be teaching another method. She will be bringing
everything you need for a small fee. Please also bring a bag lunch.

We'll be starting promptly at 10 am, because I have to be at work by 4 pm
that day.

If you don't know my address, contact me offline and I will send it. My
house is all one level, and has a cat for your allergic pleasure. Please

In service,

Lady Rúnfríðr Hofmansdottir
DMoAS, Baronial Brewer
Barony of Ponte Alto

Per saltire vert and azure, in pale two cups Or and in fess two ravens
close respectant argent
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