[Ponte Alto] End of the Month Reminders & Annoucements
Christine Menton
seneschal at pontealto.atlantia.sca.org
Wed Sep 24 20:35:04 PDT 2014
Greetings unto the list:
A few announcements & reminders as we draw toward the end of September:
1. Baronial Business Meeting 9/28 @ 6 pm at St. Paul's Lutheran Church,
7426 Idylwood Rd, Falls Church, VA 22043. If you are an officer and cannot
make the meeting please email a copy of your reports to myself and Theresa
Crean by 5pm on the 28th.
2. Baronial A&S night @ 6pm at Their Excellencies home - see the Baronial
Website for the address or private message me.
3. Any reports, announcements, articles, or pictures that you want to have
included in the Il Tempo must be to Theresa Cowen Crean
<https://www.facebook.com/theresa.c.crean> by 10PM on 9/28.
4. Quarterly Reports are Due on October 15th - Please remember to email a
Yours in service,
Lady Caitilin Irruis inghean ui Riada
(Christine Menton)
Barony of Ponte Alto
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