[Ponte Alto] Forwarded from Kingdom List - Ref: Defending the Gate

Christine Menton seneschal at pontealto.atlantia.sca.org
Wed Mar 26 13:00:42 PDT 2014

**Please note the section I took the liberty of highlighting as I will not
be at Defending the Gate*   They have loaner garb and are doing a
Newcomer's Tour!  Please spread the word.**  ( Lady Caitilin - Seneschal)

Greetings all!

I invite you to invite your friends and co-workers to Defending the
Gate on March
29!?It is at the Izaak Walton League on 12400 Herndon Rd, Spotsylvania, VA
22553. It runs from 10am to 10pm. Cost is $15 for non-SCA members, and
evening Feast (of multiple courses) is $10. For more information on this
fun Event, let them check out the website at?

*I will be leading a tour of the site and it's activities starting at
11am** (meeting
at the group of cedar trees near where you sign it). The Event is wearing
medieval style clothing, but I will have medieval style clothing you will
be able to borrow for the day (just go t to the Chatelaine tent near where
they check in at Troll)*. There will be heavy battles and rapier battles to
observe. There will be atlatl and target archery that you may get to try if
you are interested. There will be artisans to watch, and even try their
arts. There will be merchants with their wares. A yummy Lunch is included
in the cost of the day.?

And I hope to see you and meet your friends there!

If you look at the website for the Canton of Sudentorre, we have other
activities on Sunday afternoons, and on tuesday evenings. Our website is ?

If you have further questions, just ask!?
I am yours in service,
Blitha of Wolfhou
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