[Ponte Alto] FW: [Atlantia-Announce] Coronation of William & Kara - RESERVATIONS

CHRISTINE MENTON mentoni at msn.com
Wed Mar 19 04:28:47 PDT 2014

Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:59:50 -0400
From: lordgaelan at gmail.com
To: atlantia at atlantia.sca.org; announce at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Subject: [Atlantia-Announce] Coronation of William & Kara - RESERVATIONS

Attention to all Gentles: 
We regret that Reservations for Coronation will NOT be available on ACCEPS.  Please mail all reservations as soon as possible, to me (your friendly reservationist), Cathy M. Edwards, 185 Coleman Ridge Road, Galax VA 24333.   Feast and Cabin spaces are beginning to sell pretty fast, so please get your reservation in the mail as quickly as possible.  

 If you would like to bunk with a group, have ONE person email me the names of the people in your group..., as their reservations come in, I will try my best to accommodate your requests, however, cabin spots will NOT be held without a paid reservation.  Cabin assignments will be available at Gate.

 If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call me between 6pm and 9pm on weekdays and  3pm and 10 pm on weekends or email me at sewunique at gmail.com.  If you have concerns about my receiving your reservation, please include an email address or note your FB name and I will message to you when I have processed your reservation.

 In Service,
Allegranza Marcovaldi
 Cathy M. Edwards

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