[Ponte Alto] St. Paddy's Day Blood Bath - 3/8/14 - Cancelled

CHRISTINE MENTON mentoni at msn.com
Thu Mar 6 16:53:18 PST 2014

Greetings unto the list:
My apologies if this sounds like a broken record, but it has come to my attention that this information has not being reaching the populace.
The Ponte Alto Event scheduled for this 3/8/14 - known as Blood Bath has been cancelled due to safety reasons.  When we checked yesterday the field was still covered in snow and ice, and we have more rain due in overnight on Thursday into Friday.  Please know that the decision was not made lightly, and is truly in the best  interest of the fighters.
I ask everyone to cross post where appropriate - as I said I'm hearing that this cancellation may not have reached everyone yet.
Yours in serviceLady Caitilin Irruis inghean ui Riada(Christine Menton)Seneschal Barony of Ponte Alto  		 	   		  
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