[Ponte Alto] Little Event - We are Go!

Robert Capozello afpopa at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 14 08:43:34 PST 2014

Autocrat's Update - We are still go for Feast!!!

Greetings, everyone.  I drove by the site on my way to work this morning, and all of the main roads and the turn lane off of Rte 50W are clear of snow.  The short access road leading back to the church has been plowed, but is not cleared edge to edge.  Please be careful and drive slowly!  The parking lot of the site is completely clear, so once you make it down the access road you will have no problems.

Our intrepid head cook Elizabeth of Hadley Hall is ready and raring to go as well.  This will be a Feast fitting of an Italian Barony - i.e. if you go away hungry it's your own fault!  :-)

For those who are helping to set up, please be there by 9 AM.  Site opens for guests at 11 AM.  First course is scheduled to be served at 12:30 PM.  Tables will be set up to seat six people each. 
I look forward to seeing all of you there tomorrow.

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