[Ponte Alto] Fwd: Demo THIS FRIDAY @ Shrevewood Elem. 6:30 pm set up
Christine Menton
seneschal at pontealto.atlantia.sca.org
Thu Apr 10 04:27:19 PDT 2014
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shannon Gmail <shannonsmith2779 at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 10:41 PM
Subject: Demo THIS FRIDAY @ Shrevewood Elem. 6:30 pm set up
To: pontealto at pontealto.sca.org, Christine Menton <
seneschal at pontealto.atlantia.sca.org>
Hello, fine people of Ponte Alto!
We will be at Shrevewood Elementary to set up at 6:30pm April 11th! We will
have one (or two) tables on which to display helmets and other armor.
In keeping with the theme, we will stick to "knightly" topics. We can run
longer or shorter than the 45 min *based on their needs* so what we cover
may be more or less than these topics:
armor (parts and how to wear it!)
swords and archery (?)
Chivalry vs Courtesy (?)
Knight's households (squires, pages)
Training to be a knight (using a pell, quintaine)
Staying ready to fight
(tournaments during peacetime)
Bring your armor! We shall have a marshal on site to allow us to do rapier
at the least. Anything heraldic you can wear would be helpful. Even if you
are not a fighter, you are welcome to come share your knowledge and
enthusiasm with these young people. Bring anything you wish to "show and
Many thanks,
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