[Ponte Alto] OOP Thanksgiving Dinner

Adina adinavdh at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 08:56:44 PST 2012

Greetings and Salutations to all Pontoons!
As has been my custom for many years, we would like to invite all
Thanksgiving Orphans (those who are not able to, for whatever reason, share
Thanksgiving Dinner with their birth family) to join us for Thanksgiving
If you would join us, We ask that you contact us (so we know how many
places to set at the table).  If you are so inclined to bring anything,
again, please contact us so we can avoid having 7 green bean casseroles and
no pies :-)
We're looking to serve dinner around 4:30 and would welcome your company as
early as 12:00.
No matter where you will be spending your Thanksgiving Day, we hope that
you are among friends and/or family and that you have a safe and pleasant
day of Thanksgiving.
  Drogo e Adina

Barone e la Baronessa di Ponte Alto
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