[Ponte Alto] Looking for Someone to do a School Demo

CHRISTINE MENTON mentoni at msn.com
Sun Nov 18 18:31:32 PST 2012

Greetings unto the list:
I have teacher in Alexandria looking for a Demo on Nov 26th - from 1:30 to 3:00  --- you are looking at 2 classes 45 minutes each.  Topics they have been studying and would like someone to present information on is the Norman Conquest, Battle of Hastings, Chivalry, Clothings, and Weapons of the time.  Obviously you wouldnt be able to cover everything, but you can discuss with the teacher ahead of time what your presentation will be.
This is a work so I understand if no one is available.  I will contact the teacher at 5pm on Tuesday turning her down based on short notice, and lack of availability if no one responds.
Yours in ServiceLady Caitilin Irruis inghean ui RiadaChatelaine

I can be reached off list at either ladypartypanther at gmail.com or mentoni at msn.com  		 	   		  
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