[Ponte Alto] Ponte Alto Retainers at PENNSIC

Thorwulfgar Uvaerkaller thorwulff at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 12 15:22:44 PDT 2012

Dear Adina,

I will be honored to do gate duty as well as roving,
but I wish to make a small request if I may,
I am not a lord.so,could you make a small adjustment,I am not worthy of a title the 

good people of the SCA have not seen me worthy to be called yet.but thank you .

also I have more stamina then most so I would do double duty to roam with the Majesties if needs be.

in service,

Torgar inn vikverski
Dragon of Norway

Fearlessness is better then a faint heart for any man who puts his nose out of  doors,The length of my life and the day of my death were fated long ago.

Thorwulfgar Uvaerkaller

 From: Adina <adinavdh at gmail.com>
To: Ponte_Alto list <ponte-alto at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org> 
Cc: Emma West <EWestSCA at gmail.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:43 AM
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Ponte Alto Retainers at PENNSIC

RE:  Retainers and Guards at PENNSIC this year

Greetings to the fair population of Ponte Alto!

Some clarification and edification regarding retainers and guards:  The original call went out for the 
Barony to represent and supply retainers and guards for their 
Majesties.  Folks have been posting times they can/can't make it through
 the Ponte Alto mailing list - that will continue to work.  So will 
emailing Drogo or Adina (or Bevin).

  Assuming 2 hour shifts, we are in search of at least 4 retainers (for 
Their Majesties) and 6 guards (4 stationery for the gates and 2 roving 
with Their Majesties).

  We will retain for 4 hours, Wednesday 
morning (the 8th of August form 9-12, war week) and the following folks 
have volunteered so far:
As a retainer:
--Lady Bevin An Broc Drannach
--Lady Elisande Walters
As a guard:
--Lord Austin (sic) as a guard - 2 hours at Royal Camp/ 2 hours shadowing a Royal
As whatever is necessary:
--Lady Guennivere (to augment the guard at Royal by taking messages/being hospitable) 
--Lady Aveline Scargill
--Lord Torgar Inn Vikverski of Thorsteinssalr
--possibly Lady (?) Myriam
--possibly Lady (?) Margaret the Merciless (?)

These gentles are supporting the request from Baroness Emma West.  Master Talorgen will direct us once on site.

If you wish to volunteer for additional times, you are encouraged to contact Baroness Emma West directly.

A second, separate call went out for retainers for Their 
Highnesses.  Unless we have enough volunteers to support both for Wednesday morning, it will 
be a different block of time and this group is being organized by Baronesa Rosa.

More to come as it is known.  Any further questions feel free to contact Drogo, myself, or Baroness Emma West.
Any corrections to this email, please contact me off list.

  Thank everyone for helping Ponte Alto support The Crown at this historic PENNSIC!

Baronessa Adina di Ponte Alto

Ponte-Alto mailing list
Ponte-Alto at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
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