[Ponte Alto] Quarterly call for A&S Information, and deputies

Kristin snarlingbadger at gmail.com
Sat Jul 14 15:36:57 PDT 2012

Apologies for the late notice, but I am working on my quarterly report for
Arts & Sciences taking place in and by members of our barony. Please let me
know what projects, research, classes, workshops, etc. you have been
involved in for the past 3 months.

Remember, our not-for-profit status was granted because we are an
educational organization. So the gaining and sharing of knowledge, in all
aspects of medieval life, is relevant! Our reports show that we are,
indeed, educating ourselves and others.

Also, I love being able to talk to people in our populace, and read about
what makes them tick, what drives them to learn more and do better.

Yours in Service and Passion,

Lady Bevin
(mka Kristin S. Moran)
MOAS, Barony of Ponte Alto
P.S. I am actively seeking deputies, as Sigurd and Aine have migrated their
active time to pursuits with the Barony of Stierbach.
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