[Ponte Alto] Fwd: [Baronage] BOD Settlement Information
adinavdh at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 11:54:55 PST 2012
This is the first of two emails pertaining to" the lawsuit" that has been
ongoing for some time, it is now settled. This, from Their Majesties,
gives us some background on it and requests Our, Ponte Alto's, assistance
so that we, our Kingdom, and the SCA may continue. The second email will
be from the Board of Directors.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, Feb 5, 2012
Subject: [Baronage] BOD Settlement Information
To: baronage at atlantia.sca.org
Unto Their Excellencies, the barons and baronesses of Atlantian, from
Their Royal Majesties Cuan and Padraigin, and Their Royal Highnesses Bryan
and Brianna, Greetings!
This afternoon, We, together with our Kingdom Exchequer, our Kingdom
Seneschal, our Kingdom Webminister, and Alan Gravesend, participated in a
multimedia conference call with the SCA Board of Directors. The purpose of
the conference call was to inform the Kingdoms that the Board had settled
the longstanding lawsuit by the victims of Benjamin Schragger against the
SCA, Inc., its officers and branches. The SCA, Inc. has posted information
related to the settlement at:
In summary, facing the potential exposure of approx $7 Million, the SCA,
Inc. was able to negotiate a settlement of little over $1M, which will
enable us to cap our litigation expenses, avoid mounting additional legal
fees and expenses, remove the cloud from the SCAs operations going forward,
and essentially to ensure the survival of the Society for Creative
Anachronism. Atlantia, and her subsidiary groups, share of the settlement
is approximately $56,000. We have directed our Chancellor of the Exchequer,
Mistress Anne Carthew, to remit a check for this amount from the Kingdom
account to SCA, Inc.
Following the conference call, in our Royal Court at Kingdom Arts and
Sciences Festival We briefly covered this information with the populace and
the Baronage present, representing eleven of Atlantia's baronies. We
explained at that time that by writing this check to SCA, Inc. we were
leaving the Kingdom account with $4000. We asked Their Excellencies present
in the court that each barony contribute $400 to the Kingdom as a stopgap
measure to ensure that the Kingdom has sufficient operating funds to meet
our existing obligations. We were gratified at the unanimous support from
the baronage of our request. Please keep in mind that over the last several
years, Atlantia has required approximately $11,000 each year to meet its
budget. If each of our 17 baronies remits $400 to the Kingdom then our
Kingdom account balance will be approximately $10,8000 to cover our
budgetary needs.
We are fortunate as a kingdom that at this time we have the means to write
a check to the SCA, Inc. for the full amount because of the prudent
financial policies we have been following. The Crown, Coronets, and the
Financial Committee will study the Kingdom's financial needs over the next
three weeks, and develop a plan to meet our obligations for the next year.
As the plan is developed and we take into account the desire of the Kingdom
to fund optional activities, such as a common pavilion on the battlefield,
there may be fundraising activities conducted. Individual contributions
will also be accepted, and we will work our way back to a strong financial
Please direct any questions regarding this process and decision to His
Excellncy, Master Alan Gravesend at gravesend at mac.com
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Baronessa di Ponte Alto
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