[Ponte Alto] Fwd: [Archers] Archery Tournament at Coronation

Adina adinavdh at gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 12:45:02 PDT 2012

Archery anyone?
If you are going to coronation, there will be something to shoot at!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kent Baldwin
Date: Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 10:33 PM
Subject: [Archers] Archery Tournament at Coronation
To: archers at atlantia.sca.org

 Greetings All,****

As was discussed on the list before Pennsic, His Highness has requested
that a Team Archery Tournament be held at their Coronation.  I will be the
MIC, and I spoke with His Highness about it briefly at Pennsic.  The
Tournament will be for teams of two archers, preferably one experienced
archer and one of lesser experience.  As much as possible, the shoots will
be designed so that both team members will need to contribute in order to
get a high score.****

** **

In order to allow archers to select teammates in advance, if they wish,
here are the team guidelines:  When possible, the Official Royal Round
Rankings will be used to determine the relative skill levels of the
archers.  For archers who do not have a ranking, I will do my best to
assign an appropriate level, based on a brief interview of the archer.  A
point value will be assigned to each archer as follows: Novice - 1, Archer
- 2, Marksman - 3, Bowman - 4, Bowman Elite - 5, Grand Bowman Elite - 6.
The combined point value of each team shall not exceed 7.  Therefore, a
Grand Bowman Elite must team with a Novice, a Bowman Elite may team with a
Novice or Archer, etc.  If you are not sure of your ranking, check the
Archery Scores website at

** **

These guidelines are not set in stone and I reserve the right to allow
exceptions to the guidelines as necessary.  If you wish to participate in
the tournament, and have trouble finding someone to team with under the
guidelines, we will find a way to help you.  ****

** **

Lord Leofric and I are working on targets, but as he mentioned previously,
we could use some help to make sure we have enough.  From what I have
heard, I expect to have a fairly large turnout for the shoot, and we want
to have enough stations to prevent long waits (and to make a more
interesting shoot). If any one is interested in providing one of the target
stations, please let me know.  It doesn't have to be elaborate or
complicated, as long as we can come up with a way to score it in a manner
keeping with the team concept.****

** **

We may also need a couple of additional marshals to assist with running
some of the stations.  I expect that we will be able to rotate marshaling
duties, and allow the assisting marshals to participate in the tournament
as well.  Please let me know if you would like to help.****

** **

** **

Sir Tnek the Ainissestor****

Archers mailing list
Archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org


Baronessa di Ponte Alto
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