[Ponte Alto] Fwd: [MR] Battle on the Bay

Adina adinavdh at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 11:24:10 PDT 2012

From: Kender
Date: Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 4:32 PM
Subject: [MR] Battle on the Bay
To: Atlantia

... Storvik ... webpage (for Battle on the Bay). ...has ... been updated
... same information that is in the Acorn.
 ... pre-registration by ACCEPS set up....

The date is Sept. 14-16, 2012. Battle on the Bay will be a combined
birthday (anniversary if you prefer) celebration for the baronies of
Lochmere and Storvik. There is lots of space for camping in woods and field.

I'm typing from my phone so here is a brief preview:  Theme is 16th century
New World, the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs.

A two-barony staff means there will be tons of activities!

Armored combat and rapier will both be melee. We are again using the map
format where the results of each scenario will influence the next. Fighters
who are authorized in both armored combat and rapier may change armor and
switch fields, so the captains of the armies can decide how best to deploy
their fighters!

There will be target archery! Children's activities! Youth combat! Thrown
weapons! Classes! Brewing roundtable! Dancing! Music! Evening bardic circle!

Arts & Sciences displays and competitions include the theme (16th century
Spanish or Aztec), novice (in any arts, practiced less than a year) open
display and a Baronial Bling competition.

Master Reynard is working on a late-period Spanish/Mediterranean evening
feast. There may be lunch available; we are still working on that.

The site is Patuxent River Park, 16000 Croom Airport Road, Upper Marlboro,
MD. The site is grassy and mostly flat, although it may be bumpy for
wheelchairs. There is a ramp to the toilet building which is not steep. The
road in is paved but parking is on grass. Feast will be outdoors under the
park's picnic pavilion.

Their Highnesses will be in attendance. Come and join us for one of the
biggest and best events in northern Atlantia!

This year we can offer hot showers! Firewood is provided. Alcohol is
allowed and dogs are allowed (on leash).

Fees will be
$12 adult ($2 discount for pre-reg)
$5 youths (6 to 18),
non-members please add $5.
Children 5 and under are guests of the baronies (free entrance).
Feast seats will be $12.

-Kunigunde von Darmstadt


Baronessa di Ponte Alto
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