[Ponte Alto] Chronicler looking for a replacement......

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 27 13:33:03 PDT 2011

Hi All,
My two year term is up at the end of December and I'm not going to renew my warrant.  So I need a deputy that is willing to become Chronicler at the end of my term that I can train now. :) Anyone interested please apply to me at mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com and use Want to be a Chronicler in the subject line. 
It's been a lot of fun but life is stressing and I need a few months of no responsibilities before i volunteer for anything else. The only thing you need for this office is MS Word, a graphic program and a PDFing program to publish the Il Tempo. Other than reading the Society Rules, Atlantia Rules, the Public Relations do's and don'ts list there is not to much else to know.
Thank you all its been a blast.
Baroness Marie-Therese Normand
Chronicler, Il Tempo (Ponte Alto)
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