[Ponte Alto] Hosts Needed for Newcomer's Meetings

Christine Menton ladypartypanther at gmail.com
Sat Nov 12 04:55:51 PST 2011

Greetings to the List:

As we all prepare for the impending holiday season I ask you to take a
moment to consider your schedules AFTER January 1st.  I have a host for the
December Newcomer's Meeting but no one has expressed interest in hosting
January, February or March.  I do like to have this pre-planned so I am
asking you to take a moment and look at your schedule beyond the Holidays
and consider hosting a Newcomer's Meeting.  The only requirement is that
its on a Friday night and not the night before a Ponte Alto hosted event.
 Please let me know if you are interested and which month/s you are
interested in hosting.  I have special request that at least one month
someone with a pet free home step up, as I have had at least one person say
they have life threatening allergies to animals and could only attend a
meeting at a pet free home.  If you have never hosted before, I do ask that
you let me know how handicapped accessible your home is, specifically how
many stairs if any to get to your door and into your home.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Yours in Service
Lady Caitilin Irruis inghean ui Riada
Ponte Alto

ps.  Happy Thanksgiving, and much joy to all during the holiday season.

Per pale vert and purpure, a panther rampant argent, incensed Or,
spotted vert and purpure
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