[Ponte Alto] 2011 Guppy Gala

Andrew Hoeffler adhoeffler at yahoo.com
Thu May 5 17:31:58 PDT 2011

Greetings Pontoons!

As the weather warms and the leaves begin to adorn the trees again, it becomes evident that it is time again for the annual Guppy Gala at the National Zoo.  For the past several years, our cousins from the Barony of Storvik have spearheaded a significant SCA presence at this event (with significant contribution from the surrounding groups, including Ponte Alto), which includes demonstrations of Arts and Sciences, Heavy weapons fighting, dancing, siege weapons, and anything else we can safely expose children to. 

Normally this demo is coordinated by Syr Richard. Unfortunately, he has been in very ill health of late, and the demo has understandably taken a back seat in his life's priorities. As such, I have conferred with Baroness Sorcha, and have offered to attempt to coordinate this demo i n Syr Richard's stead.  But I have only a week to get it together and I am asking, nay, begging for assistance from the populous of Ponte Alto. 

First, here are the particulars of the event:  Where - The National Zoo     When - Friday, 13 May 6:00PM - 8:30 PM.   The Zoo will close to regular patrons early and participants will be able to begin set-up by at least 4PM (I usually show up a bit earlier).  The event goes on rain or shine  last year we had sunshine with intermittent torrential downpours.  As this demo develops, I'll post additional vital information for participants, but for now I need to know who will be able to participate.  At the risk of sounding curt, I would ask that only those who are serious about their commitment to participate make it known.  It's too hard to put something like this together without some degree of certainty of the degree of participation. 

All of that being said, we need everybody willing to show up in garb and/or armour. If you have no appreciable skill or talent whatsoever, but have passable garb, and are available, you are welcome.  I would really like to see a decent contingent of heavy  (and light) fighters as there were only 2 of us in armour last year and it was exhausting.  If you have a craft to display, bring it. If you play music, play it. If you dance, get with the musicians and dance. I think you get the idea. 

So sound out if you can come! 


Gefroi le Gris

P.S. Anyone who has access to the Stierbach or Roxbury Mills lists , please forward this message to them. 

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