[Ponte Alto] Internal registry for Sapphire Joust

Rachael Storey rmstorey at gmail.com
Thu May 5 07:08:13 PDT 2011

Good gentles,

If you have officially registered for Sapphire Joust and are planning
on camping with Ponte Alto, please head over to
http://pontealto.atlantia.sca.org/sapphire/notify.php and fill out the
form to add yourself to our database.

Please do this even if you had already filled it out for 2011... due
to some technical requirements, it was necessary that I reset the
tables today.

Also, please note the addition of a field to specify what dish you
will be bringing for the potluck.  This is not a required field, so if
you aren't attending the potluck, you can say so, or you can just
leave it blank.  This will help Drogo in getting a list of what we
have for the potluck.

I apologize for any inconvenience caused by resetting the tables, but
it is a pretty quick process to fill out and submit the form again.

-Giovanna Rossellini da Firenze
Ponte Alto Webminister
Atlantia Deputy Webminister

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