[Ponte Alto] KASF: Inter-Baronial Artisan Championship

Adina adinavdh at gmail.com
Mon Jan 31 17:29:13 PST 2011

Greetings to the populace of Ponte Alto!

   We want to remind all about the Inter-Baronial Championship next weekend
at KASF and encourage your attendance and entries.

Baron James of Middle Aston, Deputy of the Minister of Arts & Sciences,
wants to let all who would attend know a few things about this competition:

 1) the entrants judge each other
 2) extra points are awarded if they show their "Baronial Pride" - i.e. a
large black/gold setting to put the display into (table cloth and other
accouterments that show the bridge and our colors).

 Baroness Katharine would remind us that "last year, Caitlin came in 2nd
place in this and previously, Geoffrey ap Clewyd was 3rd. We've done pretty
well in this and I personally love showing off Ponte Alto to the rest of the
kingdom! :) "

  We do have some Baronial regalia that could very well be appropriate for
under a display.  Please let us know if you would like to take advantage of

  Again - hope to see many of you there.

  Baronessa Adina
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