[Ponte Alto] Fw: Kingdom seneschal meeting at Bright Hills Investiture

Robert Capozello afpopa at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 3 10:29:11 PST 2011

Forwarded by request.
-- Marcellus

--- On Thu, 2/3/11, Bonnie Harvey/ Alesia Gillefalyn <alesiaglfyn at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Bonnie Harvey/ Alesia Gillefalyn <alesiaglfyn at gmail.com>
Subject: Kingdom seneschal meeting at Bright Hills Investiture
Date: Thursday, February 3, 2011, 1:24 PM

Greetings to Their Excellencies and the seneschals of northern Atlantia,
On and off over the years there have been many discussions about the boarders of Atlantia and whether or not there needs to be a regional sub-group in the northern section of our Kingdom.  
In the recent past, this discussion was heated and less then productive.  I know those discussions are still occurring in the corners of tents and the in the back of feast halls.  
I would like to bring those discussions out into the open with the hopes of being able to elevate some of the concerns (IE do we need to redraw our northern boarders with our northern and western neighbors?) and what problems is a northern sub-group the supports of such a move expect to elevate.  
All that being said, I am coming to Bright Hills Investiture to talk about this subject(s).  I am working with the autocrat to get a set time on the schedule.  Once I have that and a location I will let you know.  
In the mean time, if you would like to let your respective populaces know, I would like to get as many view points in one place as possible.  I plan on having an open and civil discussion in which any can express their opinions and no opinion is wrong.  
Please let me know if you have questions beforehand, if not I will see you next weekend.

Baroness Alesia Gillefalyn
Atlantian Seneschal

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