[Ponte Alto] Fwd: Verses of the Stone, 1/21/2012, A&S Competitions and Classes

Kristin snarlingbadger at gmail.com
Wed Dec 28 08:45:17 PST 2011

Lady Bevin an Broc Drannach
(mka Kristin S. Moran)


Mistress Dervila ni Leanon - Introductory Storytelling****

Barunin Gisela vom Kreuzbach - Heraldic Display and You!****

Lady Lorelei Greenleafe - How to Make Arrows****

Lady Annora Hall - How to Play Tabula (which will lead into fun and games
presented by Stella)****

Seigneur Etienne Le Mons d'Anjou - How to Write an Acrostic

Poetry Competition (with Performance)
Theme (*mandatory*): Best use of Latin (Can be a phrase, motto, a word or
even an entire poem in Latin).
Best use is determined by the impact of the language use, integration into
the overall poem, flow and other aesthetic qualities.
Requirements: Must be an original work in a period style. Documentation is
prefered but not required. Performance will be required and graded. This
competition is separate from the Performing Arts Competition.****

** **

Performing Arts Competition
Theme (optional): Gladiators
Requirements: Can be any type of performing arts: singing, poetry,
storytelling, dancing, theatre, juggling, etcetera. Documentation is
prefered but not required. Groups can enter (especially choral or dancing)!

Open A&S Competition
Categories include:

*Best Use of Latin* (Any amount of Latin in any medium.  An art entered in
any other category may also be entered in this category. Documentation and
grammar will be judged.)

***Mosaics* (A mosaic in any medium, any subject. Documentation will be

*Novice* ("Tributes from the Empire" Use an art you’ve practiced less than
one year to create any artifact from anywhere in the empire until 476 AD.
Documentation will be judged.)

*Science* ("What Will They Think of Next? Use artifacts and literature from
the ancient world to recreate ancient tools and machines. Documentation
will be judged.)

*Research Paper* (See below.)

Research Paper Category

*Please submit by email ( **tigrrll at hotmail.com ) **by January 7 if

Adult Category: The minimum will be 3 pages, maximum 10.  Focus on clear
writing instead of filling a number of pages.  Use 5 or more sources such
as books, journals (or journals published online), interviews with an
expert (doctorate level), or pictures of artifacts.  Web pages like
Wikipedia will not be considered good sources.  Use a method of citation.
 If you don’t remember the method you used in high school, just be
consistent throughout your paper.  Include a title page with a signed
affirmation that the paper is your work.

Children's/Youth Category: The minimum will be 2 pages, the maximum 5.
 Good ideas and good writing mean more than the number of pages you fill.
Use 3 or more books or magazines.  Include a list of your sources.  When
you quote from a book or article, write the author’s last name and the page
number in parentheses after it.  Include a title page on which you have
written that the paper is your work.

Yours, in Service,
SeigneurEtienne Le Mons
Poeta Atlantiae
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