[Ponte Alto] We Didnt Go to Pennsic Party Reminder

CHRISTINE MENTON mentoni at msn.com
Fri Aug 5 08:04:28 PDT 2011

This Sunday 8/7/11 @ 4pm at Annika & Hannus's place in Reston.  Please email me directly for the address mentoni AT msn.com 
This is a low key, hang out, pot-luck type of gathering - so garb -- but we do ask that you bring your own chair along with a dish to share.
We have commitments so far of:  salad, ice tea, plastic ware (forks, spoons etc) and 3 packs of hot dogs & buns and 1 pack of turkey burgers and buns.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Caitilin(mka Christine)  		 	   		  
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