[Ponte Alto] archery help... WITH the attachment!

Karen Miller mill3rs at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 19 12:16:27 PDT 2010

Pardon my other email last week, but I only noticed today that the attachment didn't get attached!!!

There are some meetings about Fairfax County parks and recreation... I think we need to go and be a force to show them we are still interested in having a target archery range put into a fairfax county park.  

Please plan on coming to one (or more) of these meetings, ESPECIALLY if you live in Fairfax County - but don't let it stop you if you don't!!!


These are the big themes that emerged out of the extensive public
outreach phase of the Park Authority's long-range park system planning
process, Great Parks, Great Communities. Using your input and these themes, a draft plan was developed that will guide future park land acquisition, facility development and resource stewardship through 2020. Now we need your input again.
You are invited to view the draft plan and share your thoughts with us at the Great Parks, Great Communities project web page. Fill out and submit the online comment form or send your comments directly to us at parkmail at fairfaxcounty.gov.
We will also present and accept public comments at a series of four public meetings held in October around the County.

North County Parks
Public Comment Meeting

Monday, October 4
7 PM

Colvin Run Mill Barn,
10017 Colvin Run Rd., Great Falls, 




West County Parks
Public Comment Meeting

Tuesday, October 5
7 PM

Herrity Building, 12055 Government Center Parkway, Room 106, Fairfax




Central County Parks
Public Comment Meeting

Tuesday, October 12
7 PM

Audrey Moore RECenter
8100 Braddock Road, Annandale 




South County Parks
Public Comment Meeting

Thursday, October 14
7 PM

South County Government Center 
8350 Richmond Highway, Alexandria  
You can provide input through November 15, 2010.
Please spread the word to other park users that we need their input
and encourage them to make their opinions known through these same
avenues. Your comments will help us refine the draft plan before it is
adopted by the Park Authority Board later this year.
Great communities have great parks. With over 22,500 acres in 416 parks, the Fairfax County park system is well used and highly regarded. Parks are an essential element of life to residents of Fairfax County,
about 80% of whom visit our parks each year to enjoy nature, historic
sites, trails, sports, fitness, aquatics, programs, classes, events and
so much more. Accredited and nationally recognized for excellence,
Fairfax County's parks are ranked among the best in the nation.
As wonderful as our parks are, we must constantly strive to make
sure they meet the changing needs of our diversifying and rapidly
urbanizing community. The Park Authority launched the Great Parks, Great Communities
effort to examine the park system and incorporate public views on how
to achieve balance within the park system in the future as communities
across the County evolve.
Thanks for participating!

Fairfax County Park Authority
Planning and Development Division

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