[Ponte Alto] FW: WOW V - Calling all performing artisans!

Katharine Devereaux katdevereaux at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 2 09:01:22 PDT 2010

Just a reminder, all points won/earned work towards Stierbach and the hopeful trounce of the Sacred Stone Phoenix!

Performing artisans - please see below!



Katharine Devereaux

Baroness of Ponte Alto

Kingdom of Atlantia

To: Atlantia_AnS at yahoogroups.com
From: narniarose2003 at yahoo.com
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 13:58:24 +0000
Subject: [Atlantia_AnS] WOW V




Performing Arts War Point Competition

Coordinated by Lady Rosanella Vespucci

Queen's Royal Bard and Kingdom Deputy of Performing Arts

(narniarose2003 at yahoo.com)

Greetings to all of the Knowne World both far and near, all those who participate in the Performing Arts and all those who enjoy being entertained and inspired by those who perform. The Performing Arts War Point Competition for the War of the Wings V will be as follows:

ALL PERFORMING ARTS DISCIPLINES ARE ENCOURAGED TO PARTICIPATE! We invite all those who sing, dance, juggle, play musical instruments, write poetry, tell stories, and perform plays and dramatic readings to come and be a part of the competition. Groups are also encouraged!

THERE IS NO REQUIREMENT TO INCORPORATE THE WOW THEME SO ALL ENTRIES ARE WELCOME! Extra points will be awarded to those who are able to incorporate the theme, but it is not required. There will be three rounds of competition and performers must be chosen by the Judges to advance to the next round. Round One will be Participant's Choice – you may choose your own favorite, even if it is one that you have done many times before and any style. Round Two will be Inspirational – you may choose any piece that would inspire us all to greatness, whether it be in war, in love, or in the arts. Round Three will be the Finals. The Judges again will decide which performers will be invited to Round Three which will again be Participant's Choice, but must be a piece different from the ones performed in the other rounds.

THERE WILL BE MANY OPPORTUNITIES TO WIN! There will be judges from all the disciplines to be sure that the outcome is as fair and balanced as can be. Each entry will be scored on ORIGINALITY, SKILL LEVEL, INCORPORATION OF WOW THEME, PRESENTATION, ENTERTAINMENT VALUE, and DOCUMENTATION. So if you are unable to pull together documentation, you can make up your score in one of the other areas and so on. This is also a great way for new performers to receive great educational feedback from some of the Kingdom's most talented performers. A winner will be selected in each of the scoring areas and one OVERALL WINNER will be named. Each winner will receive a prize and the overall winner will also receive a War Point for the Team of their choice.

HOW DO I REGISTER? You can email Lady Rose at the email address above OR you can register at the event, however pre-registration is GREATLY APPRECIATED. The time and place for pre-registration will be announced at the event and/or will be posted at Troll. The event will begin at 1:00 pm at the Performing Arts Tent and the winners will be announced in evening Court. Please include your SCA name(s), SCA group you are affiliated with (if any), and the art you will be performing and style of music for each piece with your pre-registration.

For more information, please feel free to contact Lady Rose at the email above or you can reach her at 919-906-6153. 



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