[Ponte Alto] St. Aidens Recap and Highland River Melees

guylestran at aol.com guylestran at aol.com
Tue Jun 1 13:58:50 PDT 2010

Should be English, as I find the French yucky and they pronouce my name Gee which is vexing to me.

Mistress Cunian congratulations on your well earned induction into the Order of the Kraken.  You are an inspiration.

Sir Guy

"Remember, you are not managing an inconvenience; You are raising a human being"

-----Original Message-----
From: cunian at citlink.net
To: The Barony of Ponte Alto <ponte-alto at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org>
Sent: Tue, Jun 1, 2010 4:18 pm
Subject: [Ponte Alto] St. Aidens Recap and Highland River Melees

Our team at the St. Aiden's Tourney did really well, especially considering the 
hallenges of the heat and the somewhat ad hoc composition of team and my own 
nexperience at melee leadership.  (I really just like to hit things.)  The 
on-combatants were instrumental in making many of our points with their 
ireless and creative efforts in schmoozing the royalty, cheering, waving 
anners and so on.  I was really impressed with how well everyone hung in there 
n the heat at the end of a long event: We had the max number of fighters in 
very bout and were putting on our hats to go out again as the end of the 
ournament was announced.
Next weekend is Highland River Melees.  It is somewhat further out than it has 
een previously, but promises to have some very interesting scenarios and stuff.  
hey are looking for teams of 7 - 14 to compete, and it would be great to put 
ne together.  There are also individual tourneys early on Saturday to determine 
he leaders of the English and French forces, the Black Prince and Joan of Arc. 
f you plan to go and fight, talk to Lucas or me, so we have an idea of whether 
e have a team or not. Event site here: 
 somewhat more involved explanation of the fighting activities is here:
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